

Courses Schedule

学生课程申请表Courses application form

夏令营课程 Apply for Summer courses

美国藤校直达申请Apply for Ivy Fast Track
















Welcome to Tsinghua School & COMS!


Courses & Fees 申请课程和学费列表

Course Schedule 课程上课时间表

 Application Procedure 学生报名申请程序

1. Reading course introduction and to select courses                                          //浏览课程介绍,确定所选课程;
2. Click the "Application form" in the upper-right corner of this page           //在本页的右上角,点击所选课程"注册申请表下载该文件;
3. Download and save the application forms into your computer                   //下存(save)学生注册申请表到您的电脑后再打开;
4. Complete the application form                                                                               //填写学生课程注册申请表;
5. email the form and e-transfer payment to school at tsinghua.school@yahoo.ca    //存档后,将填好的学生课程注册申请表email给学校,通过您银行在线email-transfer学费到学校tsinghua.school@yahoo.ca

. Or, print the form and prepare a pay cheque with kid's name and other info on it        //或者,另外打印一份填好的学生课程注册申请表,开一张课程学费支票(写上孩子姓名,年级,课程名) ;
7. Bring it to School campus or mail it to school at:                                          //将填好的学生注册申请表和支票一起上课学校前台办事处或者邮寄到学校邮箱:

    Tsinghua School, 9 Legacy Landing SE, Calgary, AB T2X2E5
8. After registration, School will send you a receipt.       //学校收到您的学生注册申请表和支票,则完成报名注册申请

Online Apply 学生报名在线申请

First Name:

Last Name:

Date of Birth:    Gender:

Address 1:

Address 2:

City:   Zip:


Home phone:

Cell phone:


Your message for us: