Tsinghua School

Computer Programming Class For Kids and Teens



In this world everybody should learn how to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think.                            Steve Jobs

When I first accessed computer I was 13 years old.
                              Bill Gates

       I learned computer programming when I was 6th grade.    
                                       Mark Zuckerberg

Our computer programming courses for kids and teens teach our students to write their own programs, games, gui, website and other applications!

Parents all know their kids need as many computer skills as possible. But they don't always know where to start. This is particularly true when it comes to computer programming. Parents may not be able to program themselves, or if they can, the languages they know may not be ones proper to their kids.

No Prior Programming Experience Needed!

We would suggest that we start teaching your kids programming skills as early as possible. If your kids start early, children will develop the logic and analytical skills needed for computer programming far easier than if they wait until they are after teens. And don't worry if they have no programming experience before, we can teach your kids to program! Let's start.

Our Standard of Excellence!

We teach industry-standard languages widely used by businesses!
Engaging, age-appropriate lessons with fun, hands-on programming activities!
All courses come with activity solutions, test and answers, and a solution guide!  
Optional Instructional highlight coverage of all lesson topics!
Professional setup program installs course material on your computer!
No extra software to purchase! We use free development tools.

Canadian Computing Competition Honor Roll

Students listed on the honor roll of Canadian computing competition

Congratulations to these excellent students who won computing contests.


West campus: 939 45 Street SW, Saturday Computer Course For Kids & Teens
Computer Programming Duration Sep - Jun Room Time slot 1 Time slot 2 Time slot 3 Time slot 4 Time slot 5 Time slot 6 Course fee
Canadian Computing Contest and USA Computing Olympiad Course
Leaning: Python, C++, Algorithms for computing contests.

Saturdays  #21 10am-11am 11am-12pm 12pm-1pm 1pm-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-4pm $17/hr elementary $25/hr  junior high
Junior high Junior high AP computer (1)Elementary (2) AP computer Junior high Elementary
SW campus: 12424 Elbow Dr. SW, Sunday Computer Course For Kids & Teens
Computer Programming Duration Sep - Jun Room Time slot 1 Time slot 2 Time slot 3 Time slot 4 Time slot 5 Time slot 6 Course fee
Canadian Computing Contest and USA Computing Olympiad Course
Leaning: Python, C++, Algorithms for computing contests.

Sundays #4 10am-11am 11am-12am 12am-1pm 1pm-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-4pm $17/hr elementary $25/hr  junior high
      (1) Elementary (2) Junior high Junior high Elementary
SE campus: 9 Legacy Landing, SE, Monday to Sunday Computer Course For Kids & Teens
Computer Programming Duration Sep - Jun Room Time slot 1 Time slot 2 Time slot 3 Time    slot 4 Time slot 5 Time slot 6 Course fee
Canadian Computing Contest and USA Computing Olympiad Course
 Python, C++, Algorithms for computing contests, basic AI.

Weekdays   4pm-5pm 5pm-6pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 8pm-9pm 9pm-10pm $17/hr elementary
$25/hr junior high
Mondays #1            
Tuesdays #2 C++, AI C++, AI        
Wednesdays #1            
Thursdays #2            
Fridays #2 C++, CCC C++, CCC        
Saturdays #2            

School Calendar 校历

Courses' Time Schedule 课程时间表

Course Application Form 课程申请表

Online Apply 学生报名在线申请

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Last Name:

Date of Birth:    Gender:

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